Baltic Amber Limited Edition Necklace: Limited Quantity, Unlimited Health Benefits

Baltic Amber Limited Edition Necklace: Limited Quantity, Unlimited Health Benefits

Baltic amber jewelry making is more than just the process of stringing the beads, combining some colors and come up with the best products eventually. It’s about making something which represents nature beauty and let people who wear it to enjoy the plenty health benefits at the same time, and the making of Baltic amber limited edition necklaces is a good example.

Amber is a fossilized pine tree resin with plenty health benefits. It is helpful for alleviating teething pain effectively, and at the same time it offers calming effects which can be useful as stress reliever for mom too.

The making of amber teething necklace involves several considerations in mind. The artisans use 33cm / 13” as the standard length which is not too long or too tight for baby’s and toddler’s neck. The beads are double-knotted and every necklace comes with a screw clasp to ensure safety and avoid choking hazard.

The type of bead’s surface, shape and color combination are also very well-considered. From glossy to raw, Baroque to Olive, transparent yellow to black. Especially about the shape, the artisans need to make sure not only the final look, but the guarantee that each shape they create will enable maximum contact with skin, therefore will bring maximum benefits for the baby and toddler who wear the necklace.

amber-buddy-amber-teething-necklace-bracelet_59_44Baltic amber limited edition necklace is different from other baby necklaces you have ever found out there. Limited edition products (as implied by the name) are available with limited quantity, means there won’t be many people own the same necklace as your baby have.

For adults, the options are more varied. If baby necklaces are strung on special nylon thread, then adult necklace comes in two types: nylon thread and metal wire. The ones made with metal wire use 925 sterling silver as the clasp. Wearing amber necklaces are claimed to be the good way to remove toxins and negative energy, the possible alternative to treat headache, cold, flu and joint stiffness. Anyway, the standard length of adult necklace is 45cm or 17.7 inches.

Baltic Amber Limited Edition Bracelets

As the time goes by, the jewelry making is not only about necklace, but also something cute to wear around the wrist. The presence of Baltic amber limited edition bracelet for baby and adult become the new alternative of pain reliever as well as gift ideas for any occasion. Similar to necklace, the bracelets for adult are available in two types: strung on metal wire and stretchy gum.

Since all colors, shape and surface offer the same great health benefits, choosing the best Limited Edition amber products will depend on your personal preference. Choose the one you think will look the best for you or your baby, the one represents your and your baby’s character the most.

Baltic amber limited edition necklace and bracelet are more than just cute and beautiful items everybody love to wear. They are available in limited quality, but they offer unlimited health benefits to let us to stay fit and healthy easily, effectively.

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